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How Men Fashion Transform Throughout the Years

Most are of the opinions that cool t-shirts for men, perhaps with stripes or some dramatic print epitomizes men’s fashion, however, it is hardly anything but the truth. Men’s clothing has seen their own share of ups and downs.

Fashion transcends just clothing articles that is trendy at the moment. It is a statement piece for self-expression and allows one to gain confidence in their own skin. Men’s fashion today sees the influence from a variety of sources, from political movements to pop culture. Certain ethnic groups have also left their unique imprint on men’s fashion today. Let us have a look how Men’s Fashion changed over the years:-

The 1950s

For the first time, men’s clothing became a lot more relaxed, shedding the more formal, military attire in this post-war world. The fashion industry borrowed heavily from the style of famous icons such as Frank Sinatra and James Dean. Blue Jeans became a huge hit among the youngsters and even Hollywood celebrities were seen wearing them. T-shirts for men along with the signature blue jeans became the staple clothing choice for younger men in the 1950s. The older generation, like Frank Sinatra, went for a more put-together classic look with a tailored suit and sleeked back hair.

The 1960s

This is the decade of flamboyance where men and women were seen experimenting with bright colors and extravagant style of suits. Gone were the days when menswear only included dull colors and tight fitted clothes. Political ideologies had a strong influence on the clothing choices of men.

The 1970s

The Psychedelic subculture had an immense impact on the fashion of the 1960s. Men were often seen sporting bright colors and extravagant style of clothes. High waistlines and platform shoes with flowing shirts and flared trousers became the signature style of this decade.

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